West Kingdom
College of Heralds
Job Openings
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Job Openings
This page is a listing of all possible job openings in the College of Heralds, both on the
Senior Staff, and elsewhere.
If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, contact the senior
herald (see the Contact page). If a position is vacant, please
contact Vesper (also on the Contact page ...).
Last updated: September 17, 2024:
Seawolf Herald -- Principality
of the Mists is looking for a successor, as she is in the last year of her term. She has a possible
successor, but if you are interested, please check with her.
Sable Swan Herald -- Principality
of Cynagua is looking for a successor.
Brachet Herald --
The job is currently vacant.
Golem Herald is looking for a deputy to handle updates of the West Kingdom History site when names and
armory are registered or altered. This is not a difficult task, but somewhere along the lines, this position
needs to be part of the heralds' offices, as the Award List and the History site are linked. Keeping names
and armory in the History Site is because there are many who do not have awards who have registered names/arms.
Anyone considering taking this on should contact the Golem Herald. You should be younger than the current
Golem, who, while not intending to retire from the position anytime soon, is reaching the age of 68 this year.
Golem Herald is looking for trainees
for different parts of the job, with the goal possibly being to break Golem's jobs to individual
parts. Golem has no intention to retire, but having at least one person who understands the
parts and pieces of the Awards List, the Kingdom Heralds' Website, the Ceremony Books, and so on,
is a good idea. If you are interested in one of these, please contact Golem ...
You can get job descriptions for these titles at:
Senior Staff Job Descriptions
Info for Heralds' Page
Main Herald's Page