West Kingdom
College of Heralds

I Want to Register a Name/Device (Arms)/Badge, What Do I Do?

Submissions Procedures

Important: Please visit this page for dates that items need to be submitted by: West Kingdom College of Heralds Meeting Dates. Explanations are below, under the descriptions of the forms and how to fill them out ...
NEW Forms, March, 2023: Note that there are new forms (version 4), and there are updated instructions for the forms.

Heraldic Registration Steps:

Before explaining What To Do, the first thing is to determine what you want to register, as each is handled a little differently.

The types of heraldic "registration" that can be done really break down into two categories: Names and Armory. In addition to viewing the information below, you may be more comfortable with designing and submitting your name or armory if you have worked with a herald, see resources above.


Briefly, your SCA Name is the name you will be identified by at SCA events, and awards will be granted to you under that name. While it's not required that you register a name, it's a good idea to find at least a "given" name ("first name") that you can live with fairly early on. Once people become accustomed to using a certain name for you - even a "temporary" name - it may be hard to get them to change.

A Misconception:
It is a fairly common misconception that if you are a paid member, you have registered your name. This is not the case. The SCA Registrar will put any name you write on your membership form on your membership card, a completely separate process from officially registering a name with the Heralds.

Household Names:
Use the regular "Name" form, and for "Society Name", use the name of the person registering the Household Name -- this is to associate the Household with an individual. Then where it says (directly under "Society Name") "Name being submitted ..." put the Household Name. Note that there are rules governing how household names are formed, which can be found in SENA (see "Name Research" link below, see section in SENA on "Non-Personal Names"). A "Household" in this case can include War Unit, Camping Group, whatever -- they fall under the generic blanket term "Household". The image below is an example of filling out the Name form for a Household Name:

Example of a Household Name Form

There is a lot of information on researching a proper name at this web page, which really is a menu of links to other places:

       Name Research


Please note: You must have a name registered or submitted with the College of Arms in order to register armory. If you are submitting your armory without a name, it will be returned.

The SCA uses two kinds of armory. The first is a device, which can also be considered a "Coat of Arms"; second is what is called a badge. A device is used to represent you (on a banner, your shield, etc.); and a personal badge is used to identify things that belong to you, or relationships (such as a "household" badge, used by members of a household to show this connection). Badges may follow the same requirements as devices, or may be slightly simplified.

Rules and Information About Creating Armory

There are a lot of rules and convetions about armory. You can find what you need to know at this page:

       Armory Research

Specialty Armory Items:

Household Badges:
If you wish to register a household badge, please use the standard "badge form" from below. It should be noted that the badge must be registered to an individual, not as an independent entity (see "Names" above). When filling out the badge form, note the "Society Name" -- this is the person registering the badge (it should be associated with the "Legal name" below). The "Name this badge is to be associated with" part is where you would place the name of the household, war unit, etc. The badge, if registered will be registered to the SCA Name, if the Household Name is also registered, there will be a note added to the entry in the Ordinary and Armorial database that it is "for" the name of the household/group (such as "for House of the Silly Vikings", or whatever). The image below is an example of filling out the Badge form for a Household badge:

Example of a Household Badge Form

Augmentations of Arms:
Note that augmentations are not just something you can choose to register, the Augmentation of Arms is a specific recognition granted by the Crown of the West. These are the following ways an individual may be given an Augmentation of Arms in the West:

In the above, you will see "augmentation is defined and it is suggested you use it ...". This means, quite literally, that you are not tied to the suggested augmentation. You may choose to register something else, but if it isn't the suggested augmentation, how will someone know why you received it?

One thing to note, Households who are Pillars of the West, or have been the Western War Council may use an augmentation (as defined) on the Household badge, but cannot register the augmented badge, because this is not allowed by the current rules of the College of Arms.

Details on the individual recognitions above are in the Awards List ("Awards by Region", select "West, Kingdom ...").

It is not required that you register your armory with an Augmentation of Arms. Many recipients of an augmentation, or an award that grants one, do not. You may display your arms with the augmentation, or even, on some of the fancier silk banners you see flying at events, you could display your arms normally, and the badge for the augmentation elsewhere on the banner, if you would rather. If you do wish to register an Augmentation that you are entitled to, you should continue reading.

The Rules
There are some tricky things if you wish to actually register the augmented armory. Some basic information from the current rules (SENA) can be found here:

   http://heraldry.sca.org/sena.html#A3 (Armory Style) -- This will have a heading of 3. Augmentations of Honor.

The basics are that what you are doing is registering a version of your arms that has the augmentation on it. This means that you are not releasing your current arms, but registering a new item. As such, it has to be researched as a new item and checked for conflicts against all other registered armory (both the new arms with the augmentation, and the augmentation itself -- as some displays may also be used in period armory for marshalled arms, and those are not legal in the SCA). In many cases the odds are good that the addition of the augmentation will only conflict with your own arms, but there are times when the addition of the augmentation may cause a conflict.

The default display for an augmentation is on a canton (upper left corner of a device), but there are other ways to display (and register) an augmentation -- see the rules link above.

Filling out the Forms
You would need to fill out a standard device form, with your arms with the addition of the augmentation, where you want it. When filling the form, select the checkboxes: name is "already registered"; under "Action Type" check "New" (unless you are submitting it again, in which case use "Resubmission"), and also under "Action Type", select "Other (specify) and in the entry area under that, type "Augmentation of Arms". In the "Additional Documentation" part of the form, note details about the augmentation including the date and royalty that granted the augmentation, and if it is for a specific award (Order of the Boar, etc.).

Example of a Device Form filled out for an Augmentation of Arms

Online Consultation

The Heralds are more than willing to work with you online. We currently suggest you work with us on Facebook, or on Discord. The first link here is to the Heralds' Facebook page (group), you may need to request to join the group but we are very open about allowing people to join:


This is the link to the West Kingdom Heralds' Discord channel:


OK, I've Done the Research, Now What?

Once you have decided on a name and/or a device (or badge) that you would like to use, you need to register it with the College of Arms. This registration includes SCA-wide protection (meaning that no one else in the SCA can register exactly the same name or armory).

Access the Appropriate Forms
To register, you will need a current copy of the forms. The forms are available by clicking on the following links, and then saving to file or printing the forms that appear.

IMPORTANT: These forms are the current forms provided by Laurel. They supersede all previous forms. Heralds -- please get rid of (burn, shred, whatever) any copies of the old forms you may have. These are "Laurel v. 4.0" forms. (Note we will accept the previous version of forms through December, 2023, after that we will only accept the version 4.0 forms here.)

Two Different Forms for Each Need: Please note that there are two different forms for each "type" or "need": one is a straight-up print and handwrite the details, the other is a fillable PDF -- meaning it is a form you can type information into. In each case, we recommend that you download the form, so that you can work with it on your computer. We also suggest you name the form something meaningful (My_Name_Form.pdf, My_Device_Form.pdf, maybe use your SCA name instead of "My", as examples).

See details below for instructions on filling out the forms, and how to submit them.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These forms are intended for use with 8.5 x 11" standard laser or inkjet printer settings; any other printer configuration may alter your results, so please check your printout and any subsequent copies for shrinkage. When the Print dialog appears from Acrobat Reader (press Ctrl+P, or click the Print button, etc.), make sure that "Page Sizing & Handling" is set to "Actual size". Please see screen shots for Adobe Acrobat printing dialog below. Adjust or tinker at your own risk.

Download the Forms if you wish to use the "fillable" ones: Some browsers' ability to fill out PDF forms don't seem to work properly, particularly the image part for devices/badges. To download move the mouse over the link, right-click, and select text that will say something like (each browser is different): "Save Link As ..." Follow the dialogs to save the form to a place on your hard drive. Try double-clicking it and filling it out. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat™ Reader (free software) you may need to find that on the web and download it.

Fillable Image File Non-Fillable

Fillable Name Form
Form last updated: January, 2023
Required Number of Copies of Form: 1
(None) Non-Fillable Name Form
Form last updated: January, 2023
Required Number of Copies of Form: 1

Fillable Branch Name Form
Form last updated: January, 2023
Required Number of Copies of Form: 1
(None) Non-Fillable Branch Name Form
Form last updated: January, 2023
Required Number of Copies of Form: 1

Fillable Device Form
Form last updated: January, 2023
Required Number of Copies of Form: 1 properly colored
Emblazon Image for Device
For use with Fillable Device Form (see Instructions page ...)
From Laurel: Please note that in order to use the new fillable areas on the device and badge forms, you must use the new "emblazon-device.png" and "emblazon-badge.png" blank images that include the form's proper outline and are sized to fit exactly. Any modifications may result in an administrative return. Note: rather than "clicking" the link, try right-clicking, and selecting the option, depending on your browser, that says something like: "Save Link As ...", then follow the dialogs for your browser to save the file.
Non-Fillable Device Form
Form last updated: January, 2023
Required Number of Copies of Form: 1 properly colored

Fillable Badge Form
Form last updated: January, 2023
Required Number of Copies of Form: 1 properly colored
Emblazon Image for Badge
For use with Fillable Badge Form (see Instructions page ...)
From Laurel: Please note that in order to use the new fillable areas on the device and badge forms, you must use the new "emblazon-device.png" and "emblazon-badge.png" blank images that include the form's proper outline and are sized to fit exactly. Any modifications may result in an administrative return. Note: rather than "clicking" the link, try right-clicking, and selecting the option, depending on your browser, that says something like: "Save Link As ...", then follow the dialogs for your browser to save the file.
Non-Fillable Badge Form
Form last updated: January, 2023
Required Number of Copies of Form: 1 properly colored

Instructions to Fill out the Forms:
The forms may need some explanation, if you need help to figure out what parts of the forms mean, please visit: Instructions on Filling Out the Forms

Printing the Forms:

If you print these forms, it is important to do so correctly. As noted earlier, these forms are intended for use with 8.5 x 11" standard laser or inkjet printer settings; any other printer configuration may alter your results, so please check your printout and any subsequent copies for shrinkage. If printing the device or badge forms, when printed the heater (shield) shape should be 5" (12.7 cm) wide and 6" (15.2 cm) tall.

If you are using Adobe Acrobat (free downloadable, if you don't already have it) to print, the screen captures here show the incorrect and correct settings. When the Print dialog appears from Acrobat Reader (press Ctrl+P, or click the Print button, etc.), make sure that "Page Sizing & Handling" is set to "Actual size". (This is for all forms, device and badge but especially important for the device and badge forms.) Adjust or tinker at your own risk. See screen shots for Adobe Acrobat printing dialog:

Incorrect Setting (below)

(This setting will print the heater shape shown at 4 1/2" wide and 5 3/4" tall -- both too small.)

Correct Setting (below)

Note: If for some reason you cannot print these forms, or cannot get them to print at the correct size, you should contact your local herald who should have copies available, or contact the Kingdom College, use the contact information on this page: Contact a Kingdom or Principality Herald.

Notes on Filling Out The Forms:

Number of Copies of Forms and Documentation Required
When the forms are filled out, you need to have one copy of each form (note that the requirement for a line drawing version of a device or badge form has been removed):

     Name (Personal, Household, or Branch Name): 1 copy of form (see below for documentation)
     Device: 1 full-color copy, the form needs to be filled out correctly.
     Badge: 1 full-color copy, the form needs to be filled out correctly.

If you do not submit the forms filled out properly, it is possible that the submission will be returned to you ... include copies of any documentation you may have (see below).

 For good, solid colors, we recommend "Crayola Classic" or Rose Art "Primary" broad-tip markers.

IMPORTANT: Anyone who is bringing or sending a walk-in submission should contact Matins in advance, see details below under Submission Procedures.

Branch Name and/or Arms
There is special paperwork that must be included with a Branch's Name and/or Armory submission, whether this is a new Name and/or Arms or a change in them. This paperwork includes a petition signed by the members of the populace of the local branch. You should photocopy this so that you keep one copy of everything for your own records.

Submission Procedures (March, 2023)
The bi-monthly meetings start at 11:00AM on Sunday (except the roadshow meeting at 12th Night, which may have a different start time). Please see the meetings page for information on when and where meetings of the College are being held: When and Where are the Meetings.

The following requirements are being instituted to make submissions easier to process and respond to in a timely fashion.

Please note that there are separate requirements for hard copy and electronic copy.

Deadlines / Due Dates (see also West Kingdom College of Heralds Meeting Dates):

Submission Fees:

Where to Send Your Submissions:

Paperwork Required -- Email:

Paperwork Required --Hard Copy -- only required if you are NOT sending Digital Files:

Documentation Required:

Resubmissions (Kingdom or Laurel):

Submissions Page Main Herald's Page