West Kingdom
College of Heralds

When/Where Are the Next Meetings?

West Kingdom College of Heralds Meetings
In the central part of the West Kingdom, the College of Heralds holds meetings approximately every two months to discuss College business, and to research the most recent name and armory submissions.

We are currently holding most meetings online until told otherwise. See below for details.

If the meeting is not at a "standard location", check the Heralds' Minutes, or go to the Contact page of this site and ask the Vesper Principal Herald, or the Matins Herald where the next meeting is, so that they can give you the most up to date information.

The dates listed in The Page and the Kingdom Calendar are (Note: These dates are subject to change due to conflicts with Kingdom Officer Meetings and other ...):

Dates for 2025:

Proposed (not official yet) Dates for 2026:

 Online Meeting Software Signup

Note: We are using the Google G Suite's Google Meet software for our meetings. For now all you need to do is to sign up for the meeting using the form for this purpose: Online Meeting Signup. You should receive an invitation to the meeting in your email, if all is done properly ... You do NOT have to have a westkingdom.org email address to use this software.

Sign Up For EACH Meeting: Once you have your westkingdom.org email address, you need to sign up for the meeting -- let Matins know you want to attend remotely. To sign up you must have a computer or possibly tablet/phone (although the smaller the screen the harder this will be to see), a web connection, etc; and use the form linked to here: Online Meeting Signup. It is important to sign up before each meeting to let Matins know you want to attend, so that they can invite you to that meeting.

Meeting Instructions: The meeting instructions are here (they will be fine-tuned over time to include any "pitfalls" or places people had issues with): Online Meeting Instructions, please follow them carefully, remember your Ps and Qs, and please don't turn on your microphone unless asked to ...

Brachet Herald Meetings
Please contact Brachet for information about commenting meetings: brachet@heralds.westkingdom.org.

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