West Kingdom
College of Heralds
Scrolls and Seals
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Scrolls and Seals
You want to work with the
West Kingdom Company of Scriveners and Limners
(formerly the West Kingdom College of Scribes) to get a nice
award scroll commemorating your award. However, you aren't sure what the requirements are for
getting the scroll signed and sealed by the College of Arms. Look no further -- this is where we
provide the details. Note to Scribes/Illuminators: You should check with the herald (see below)
who will be sealing the scroll to see how large the seals are, to make sure your work is not
covered in sealing wax. The size may vary from Principality to Principality, and the Kingdom
seal is likely difference in size as well.
There are up to three signatures on an award scroll:
Granting Royalty -- If the award comes from the King and Queen
or Prince and Princess of a Principality, you will have two signatures.
These signatures state that indeed, Their Majesties or Their Highnesses gave this award.
Herald -- If the award scroll is an armigerous scroll (one that
has a blazon and emblazon -- picture of the armory of the recipient) then the herald
for the Kingdom or Principality also signs the scroll if everything is correct. 1
1 Note: In some cases one or both of the Royalty who gave the award may not be
reachable for any number of reasons, in those situations the current Royalty should sign
with a note along the lines of "for xxx" where "xxx" is the name of the individual being signed
for (example: if the person who was Queen is not available, the current Queen
should sign for them, not forge their name). It should be noted
that no one other than the individual in question should ever sign the name of the Royalty who
gave the award -- the West Kingdom Laws state that forging signatures is illegal
(in Article IV -- Arms and Orders, Section 1.3, that these signatures shall "not be
forged on any scroll or other document.")
There are two seals that may be placed on an award scroll:
The Kingdom or Principality Seal -- These seals are used to confirm that the
signature of appropriate Royalty is the "real" thing. The Vesper Principal Herald, or the
primary Herald for your Principality is given charge of the appropriate seal, with the
admonition that it be used "as We shall require" (from the West Kingdom Coronation Ceremony).
What this means is that the Herald is to only use it in an official capacity, and they swear
to do just that.
The Heralds' Seal -- This seal on a scroll states that the heralds have examined
the scroll for specific items (see below: "What We Look For") and find that everything
is accurate and correct and that the signature of the Herald is confirmed.
For an award scroll to be signed and sealed, it must meet specific criteria:
The Name of the Award Recipient should be as accurate as possible.
If it is a name registered with the College of Arms, that is the name that should
be on the award scroll. If a different name than what is registered is used, some reference
to the registered name should be included ("known to us as ..." or something similar).
The Names and Realm of the granting Royalty (King and Queen of the West,
Prince and Princess of (name of Principality)), and these should be correct
for the specific reign (in the case of royalty who have reigned more than once).
The name of the award the scroll is for.
The date the award was given, preferably using SCA years (i.e.,
June 25, Anno Societatus LI -- other wording may be used, but it must be easy to
understand). A reference to the modern date might be used, such as " being the
year 2016 in the Common Era". You or the scribe creating your scroll might wish to
check with the members of the Company of Scriveners and Limners
for advice.
If the award scroll shows the armory of the recipient (see below),
the blazon (the heraldic description in words of the armory) and the emblazon (the picture)
should both be included.
There should be space for signatures and seals as required.
For the scribe: the Kingdom and Principality seals require approx: 2.25" (2 ¼") square,
and the Heralds' seal requires approx: 1" square (this leaves room for the sealing wax
to spread a bit when the seal is actually used).
The College of Heralds will check for accuracy for all the information above that concerns
the Royalty names, the recipient's name, the award, date, and the blazon/emblazon. They will
typically not seal a scroll until it has been signed by the royalty.
Scrolls that should show the armory of the recipient:
Award of Arms and Awards that Grant an Award of Arms -- the purpose of
the award is to grant the recipient the right to bear a coat of arms. Sometimes an award
recipient recieves an Award of Arms with another award, such as a Leaf of Merit,
Rose Leaf, or Ash Leaf. As these recognitions grant an Award of Arms, the armory
should be on them. However, if the award is granted without the Award of Arms
(because the recipient already has one) then the armory is not required.
- Order of the Leaf of Merit
- Order of the Rose Leaf
- Order of the Ash Leaf
- Baron or Baroness of the Court of the West (also called a Court Barony)
- Order of the Western Lily
- The Ruxton (in Cynagua) -- it should be noted that the Ruxton does not normally
receive a scroll according to the ceremony for the award -- however if the recipient
is recieving their Award of Arms with The Ruxton (rare, but it could happen)
it might be appropriate to create a scroll for it.
- The Golden Branch (in The Mists)
- Award of Arms ("plain")
Grant of Arms -- This is another level of granting the right to bear arms.
- The Order of the Golden Poppy
- The Royal Missle Company
- The Western Gold Scarf
- The Order of the Scarf of Merit
- The Order of the Scarf of the Ash Leaf
- The Order of the Scarf of the Rose Leaf
- Grant of Arms ("plain")
Patents of Arms -- This is the "highest" level of granting the right to bear arms,
and again should show the armory of the recipient.
- Duke or Duchess
- Count or Countess (and Order of the Rose)
- Viscount or Viscountess
- Knight or Master of Arms
- Order of the Laurel
- Order of the Pelican
- Order of Defense
Any other award that a scroll is created for may have armory on it, but the ones above are
the ones the heralds are most concerned with when we check armory for accuracy, and so on.
The Heralds have no wish to control or dictate how a scroll is worded, as long as the wording
includes the items listed earlier on this page, and that the information is accurate.
If there are questions about the information provided here, please feel free to contact
us, and also feel free to contact the Company of Scriveners and Limners for help
with wording, with design of award scrolls, and more.
To get a scroll sealed, if the scribe has not already contacted someone and gotten it done, you
need to work with the herald for the realm that granted the award. These are listed
below (click the link and your email software should start a message to
the appropriate Herald):
Heraldic Topics for The General Populace
Main Herald's Page